Thursday, June 12, 2008

PHP Html Link Script

I've made a quick php class. All it does is output links. You won't need to type all that HTML code anymore!. It was really simple, anyone that can do PHP can do it in a few seconds. Some people sell simple script's like this. But I don't think a small script like this is worth selling. Anyway here is the PHP class script.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Toolbar

I've made a toolbar for the blog. It's free and it supports IE and Firefox! It even has a pop-up blocker and the Google search engine on it!

You can download it here:

Saturday, June 7, 2008

6 Steps To Making Your Money Work For YOU!

Have you ever felt as if your money is working against you, rather than for you? Do you dream of retiring wealthy, but don’t have a clue how to make that a reality? You can turn your dream of financial security into a reality by choosing to be smart with your money and making your money work for you!

#1 — Set Financial Goals

Someone once said that the difference between those who are rich and those who are not rich is only an ability to take a dream and make it real. Mastering your money enables you to turn your dreams into a reality. Remember, your money has a purpose … to work for you! Decide what your financial goals are in terms of earning, saving and investment, and start thinking about what steps you need to take to work toward those goals.

#2 — Live Within Your Means

These four words are especially challenging for many, especially when we’re surrounded by an instant gratification society. Keep this in mind: instant gratification always has a price. Most likely, that price will cost you the ability to reach the financial goals you’ve set for yourself; or at the very least it will slow you down a bit. Take this time proven advice to heart: “If you don’t have it, don’t spend it.” Use your credit cards only if you can pay them off each month.

#3 — Get on a Budget and Stay There

In many people’s eyes, a budget is on par with torture, imprisonment, and even death. Nothing could be further from the truth, because a budget is your key to a secure financial future — your freedom! How do you determine your budget? It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Add together your net income, then add together your expenses being sure to separate into specific categories (e.g., housing, groceries, insurance, car, debt, etc.).

Next, subtract your expenses from your net income. If you’re spending more money than you earn, it’s time to get serious and cut your expenses. Determine how much you need to decrease your costs and/or increase your income to meet the financial goals you’ve set for yourself.

#4 — Pay Yourself First

Being smart with your money is saving a part of everything that you earn, no matter how much or how little you earn. It doesn’t seem right to work at least eight hours a day only to give it all away to mortgage, insurance, utilities payments, and so forth. Consider savings to be a payment to yourself — a high priority!

You may find it easier and less tempting to build your savings through automatic payroll deductions made directly to your savings account. Those individual payments to yourself will add up and help you to reach your financial goals! So, remember to pay yourself first. If you don’t, debt will be a way of life.

#5 — Put Your Money to Work

The money that you put aside for yourself needs to be put to work. Put it where you can’t get your hands on it easily, because if you can then you probably will. Do the necessary research before investing and keep this goal in mind: to make money — 24 hours a day, seven days a week — from the money you already have. Even while you sleep, your money will gather momentum and grow over time.

#6 — Get Out of Credit Card Debt

Last but not least, get out of debt so that your money can work harder for you sooner. The average individual in the United States has at least $5,000 to $6,000 in credit card debt, and that amount is increasing.

To get out of debt, you must take action! Getting yourself on a budget and living within your means are the best places to start. And once you are out of debtFeature Articles, stay out of debt so that your money can work for you — not against you.

Source: Click Here

Friday, June 6, 2008

New Blog Layout

I've updated the blog layout today. If none of the images load for you please make a comment and let me know.

I will still be adding stuff to the blog as the days go by.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Gears of War 2

I seen GOW2 in the EGM mag, so I made a scan of it for you. Just click the images.

I'm Worth A Lot

Well, I just took one of them online test for fun, I'm not sure what they are called. But anyway the test shows I'm worth $1,645,000 DEAD! But they don't tell you how much you're worth when you're alive now do they? I guess they don't want you to know how much you're really worth.

If you wanna take the test click here.

bedroom toys
Created By Vibrators

Also, for fun.
bedroom toys
Powered By

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Viruses are the first and last word in computer infiltration. Simple ones simply tie up your computer, whereas complex ones can do virtually anything to an unprotected computer. No one should browse the web without good antivirus software!

Anti-Virus Software

You should also check out this Anti-Adware software. Click Here

Universal Studios Fire

A massive blaze that destroyed part of the back lot at Universal Studios was accidentally ignited by workers using a blowtorch on the roof of a movie set building facade, fire officials said.

Workers had been using the blowtorch early Sunday to heat asphalt shingles to apply to the roof, Los Angeles County Fire Chief Michael Freeman said Monday. They finished around 3 a.m. and followed policy of standing watch for one hour, then left for a break, he said.

A security guard spotted the fire and reported it at 4:43 a.m., Freeman said.

The fire erupted on a streetscape featuring New York brownstone facades at the 400-acre property. It then destroyed a King Kong attraction, the courthouse square from "Back to the Future" and a streetscape featured in "Spider-Man 2" and "Transformers."

The theme park reopened Monday, giving tourists a view of the fake streetscape that went up in real flames, and authorities promised to investigate reports that firefighters were hindered by low water pressure.

Freeman suggested the problem may have been due to the volume of water — 18,000 gallons a minute at the peak — that was poured on the flames. He said the studio's water systems were up to current county code.

You can find the link to it here:

Here is a video of it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bookmark Us!

Be sure you book mark this blog. You will be able to see the book marker at the end of this post. For this post I will just be sharing some videos with you. Mainly videos from Youtube that you may want to see. The videos will be in a play list. That will make it easier for you. :) (They should be in a play list).

Bookmark and Share

Few Ways to get Traffic to Your Site

I'm going to show you a few ways to get easy traffic to your site or blog. It will take some time to do. Just follow what I say and you will get traffic.

Let's start.

1. Social Bookmarking is a great way to get your blog out there on the web. A lot of people use stuff like Digg. There is a nice product that can do all the social bookmarking for you -- saving you tons of time. You can get that by clicking here.

2. Forums is another way to advertise. But, it takes more time. It's worth it at the end though. Only advertise on forums that allow it. There is also a product that can all of this for you. It submits your site to a lot of forums. You can also get the software by clicking here.

3. SEO - SEO is the best way to make it into the search engine. Be sure to have an alt on all of your images and to have meta tags. You should also have your javscript in a .js file and not in the main page. This will help with the page size since Google only reads the first 100 kilobytes. You can also get more info on SEO by clicking here.

Note: For best results you should have adsense on your site.

Well, that's all the tips for traffic for now. Be sure to check back later to more tips for getting traffic.

Profit Lance

Okay, last night I got this thing called Profit Lance -- It's really good. I've learned a lot from it in the past few hours. There are a lot of videos for SEO and getting links back and all.

The thing only cost $77. That's kind of cheap for something like this. But supposedly it's going to be going to be going to monthly payment for any new members after some date. So grab up on it while you can!

Anyway, I will try to blog as much as I can. I got a lot to read. I mean, I do wanna make a lot of money, but blogging is fun too. This is my third blog post today.

Blockland and Age of Time

I just thought of something after my last blog post...Have any of you heard of the game Blockland or Age of Time? Blockland is a game where you build with bricks, kind of like legos? But you're playing online with other users. It's created on the Torque Game Engine (It's a good engine, I bought it), and it has a large user base. It also has user created maps and add-ons. Let's see if I can get a screen shot up. This should do?

Anyway, you should check it. It only cost $20! lol I'm saying it like it's nothing. But yeah, it's worth getting. But if you plan on hosting a server make sure you can unblock port 28000!

Now, on to the game Age of Time. This game is....well....not like others. It's fun, it much funner when your bored. The user base is not that great, about maybe 100-200 people still play it. The server can only handle 30 players, and most of the players on there are mean to you. Besides that it's fun.

You can do a lot of stuff on there...maybe not a lot...but it should keep you busy...for a while anyway. I have over 800 hours on that game, what's that? 2 years or something? Anyway, you should check it out. The site is

Oh, yes, we cannot forget the link to Blockland.

The New Blog...

Well, I see you found my new blog. (The Most Random Blog Ever). Sure, right now it looks like crap, but who cares. As long as you can read thing right? Well, what should I say in this shout/posting/news or whatever you bloggers say. Let's talk about Grand Theft Auto 4.

Has anyone played Grand Theft Auto 4? I have played that game. I got bored of it after a while though. It's fun and all, it's just too closed in. I like how GTA:SA was all open. That's the kind of GTA game I like.

Also, what's up with the multi-player? I thought it would be better then that. It don't seem that good. You may just have fun if you find the right players, but other then that it's all like WTF OMG!!!! So yeah...I guess that's all for this post...subscribe to me. Oh, and check out my website,

Register and post, you get points for each post. :P