Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The New Blog...

Well, I see you found my new blog. (The Most Random Blog Ever). Sure, right now it looks like crap, but who cares. As long as you can read thing right? Well, what should I say in this shout/posting/news or whatever you bloggers say. Let's talk about Grand Theft Auto 4.

Has anyone played Grand Theft Auto 4? I have played that game. I got bored of it after a while though. It's fun and all, it's just too closed in. I like how GTA:SA was all open. That's the kind of GTA game I like.

Also, what's up with the multi-player? I thought it would be better then that. It don't seem that good. You may just have fun if you find the right players, but other then that it's all like WTF OMG!!!! So yeah...I guess that's all for this post...subscribe to me. Oh, and check out my website, http://www.gamerzworldonline.com/

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